Whether you’re a true beauty expert or completely new, in my opinion, you can always use some cosmetics advice. Why strain with your contour or cat eye when there are so many simple makeup tricks to make the procedure 100 times easier, for instance? So, in the belief that giving back to others is a good thing, I looked up the 06 best makeup tricks ever, including when to use concealer, how to truly perfect your wing eyeliner, and a tonne more.
Makeup Tricks to Best Glamorous Look
So take your makeup bag and the product (or products?) you’ve never figured out how to use, and scroll on. Take a look at them.

Apply Foundation First: Then Concealer
Hot makeup tricks: Trying putting foundation before concealer is the simplest method to level up your cosmetic regimen. Consider this: Applying foundation first can help minimize any redness or discoloration—almost like you’re laying the foundation for the rest of your products—by providing a smooth base. Then, using much less product overall, you may go in and spot treats any zits or lingering redness with your concealer. Another benefit? It’s a fantastic idea to apply foundation before concealer to avoid caking and creasing.
Use A Spoolie Brush For Eyebrows
When I’m too busy to fill in my brows, I like to do the next best thing instead: rapidly brush my brows up with a spoolie brush. Even when I do have time for brow powders, gels, and pencils, I still prefer to prepare my brows with a spoolie because it only takes a few seconds and makes sure all of my brow hairs are in the proper positions before applying my makeup. One of the pro makeup tricks: Choose something reusable or get spoolie brushes in quantity for incredibly low prices.
Don’t Forget The Blush
Blush is, in my opinion, the most undervalued cosmetic item, even though it could appear to be an obvious first step in your makeup regimen. Simply applying a few swipes of cream or powder blush along the great moments of your cheeks can instantly make your entire appearance warmer and brighter. And no, you don’t have to choose a bright pink blush or anything like that; instead, try nude colors for a blush that is gentle and glowy.
Melt Pencil Liner For Ultimate Look
The truth is that warmed cream makeup products blend better. Therefore, slightly melt your kohl eyeliner pencil before you begin lining if it skips, tugs, or requires several coats to achieve a respectable color payoff on your eyelid. In order to achieve this, hold the tip of your kohl liner under a lighter flame for a moment or until it becomes tacky, let it cool slightly (swatch it on your fingers to make sure it isn’t too hot or melted), and then watch the consistency change in front of your eyes.
Use White Eyeliner For Prominent Eyes
Blend a white eyeliner pencil all over your eyelid first to make sheer or less pigmented makeup look more bright. Next, immediately apply your eyeshadow on top. Any eyeshadow color will be intensified and made to stand out thanks to the white liner’s opaque covering.
Use Spoon For Winged Liner
If drawing your cat’s eye by hand just isn’t going to work for you, use a spoon as a stencil. As the first step in creating a cat eye, draw a straight line with liquid eyeliner while holding the spoon’s stem up to the outside corner of your eye. Use the spoon’s rounded outer edge to create a perfectly curved winged appearance after flipping it over, so it is touching your eyelid.