The conversation on happiness has evolved in recent years. Yes, it is a universal reality that everyone wants to have more of it in their lives. However, we are beginning to understand what truly contributes to happiness and what just helps us get there. How may one increase the feeling of mood elevation? Reading every book you can find in your personal library about books on happiness.
While some people associate a “happy life” with having a large home and a nice car, more and more people are realizing that true happiness comes from relationships with other people, giving back to our community, and connecting with our spiritual selves.
I’m surprised by how many of the novels I’ve enjoyed over the years have encouraged me on my own quest for a deeper, more genuine level of happiness. Continue reading for a list of 05 of my favorite books on happiness, and let me know in the comments if I’ve missed any.
05 Books on Happiness That Will Motivate a Life Driven by Purpose
10% Happier by Dan Harris

You already know this, but regular meditation practice has a lot of advantages. However, if you’ve struggled to put that common advice into practice, know that you’re not the only one. Thanks to Dan Harris for providing us with books on happiness, there is now a book that Elizabeth Gilbert has praised as “an extraordinarily brilliant, clear-eyed, brave-hearted, and fairly intimate look at the benefits of meditation.” He does a fantastic job of not only making us feel understood about our difficulties with mindfulness and meditation, but also by providing us with game-changing, scientifically supported strategies for learning to accept the voice in our heads and use it to our advantage for increased productivity, improved performance, and self-kindness.
Thrive By Arianna Huffington

This is one of the books on happiness that changed the way I sleep, which I’ve since realized has a significant impact on how happy I am during the day. Huffington talks about how personal medical and emotional crises inspired her to make some fairly incredible changes in her life. I believe it is reasonable to assume that we can create time for rest, relaxation, and unplugging if the lady who founded The Huffington Post can!
Braving the Wilderness By Brene Brown

There must be some serious Brené action on any list of books on happiness, a more soulful life. I could have easily placed any of hers on this list, but this is a fantastic place to start since it will force you to reevaluate all of your preconceived notions of what it means to fit in with our society and, most importantly, help you discover your true self.
Happier at Home By Gretchen Rubin

I learned so much from Rubin’s personal experiment to make her home the happiest place possible, from her surroundings to her marriage to how she spent her time outside work hours. Although this is a continuation of The Happiness Project (slide 2). I gleaned so many new insights from Rubin’s personal experiment.
Years of Yes by Shonda Rhimes

The Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal creator shares her personal path to overcoming her worries and leading a braver, more inspiring life, where she discovered what it meant to fully love oneself. This book is for you if your anxieties frequently stand in the way of the kind of person you want to be.